Passion Soap2Day
“The Passion” is a unique and deadpan comedy that revolves around Frances-ko (Mayuko Iwasa), a young woman brought up in a convent and named after Saint Francesco. Troubled by her lack of understanding about love and sex, she seeks a divine sign but instead hears a voice from below. A human-faced growth between her legs begins to speak, incessantly belittling her with phrases like “Woman, you are worthless!” Frances-ko names this entity Mr. Koga, and despite the ongoing verbal abuse, she manages to adapt, developing a contentious yet interdependent relationship with it. This peculiar film, adapted from Kaoruko Himeno’s celebrated 1997 novel, is expertly directed by Ryoko Yoshida and beautifully shot by seasoned cinematographer Akiko Ashizawa. Iwasa’s captivating performance anchors the film, while Kanji Furutachi’s voice work brings the chauvinistic Koga to life with humor. The eclectic score, composed by the legendary experimental musician Otomo Yoshihide, adds an unforgettable layer to the film.
Views: 1905
Director: Ryoko Yoshida
Actors: Kanji Furutachi, Kumiko Ito, Mayuko Iwasa, Yasushi Fuchikami
Country: Japan
Company: Agung, King Records, Nippon Shuppan Hanbai (Nippan) K.K.