Model Hunger Soap2Day
Directed by Debbie Rochon, this 2015 horror film delves into the dark and twisted life of a former model who harbors a gruesome secret. The plot thickens as her new neighbors begin to uncover the horrifying truth behind her seemingly ordinary facade. Featuring a standout performance by Lynn Lowry, the movie offers a chilling exploration of obsession and revenge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 638
Genre: Horror
Director: Debbie Rochon
Actors: Babette Bombshell, Brian Fortune, Carmine Capobianco, Jayne Caswell, Kathy Murphy, Kaylee Williams, Lisa Dee, Lynn Lowry, Suzi Lorraine, Tiffany Shepis
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Morgue Art Films, Penny Spent Films, Rebel Idol Films
Awards: 9 wins & 18 nominations