Losers’ Club Soap2Day
Set in the vibrant backdrop of 1990s Istanbul, this film follows a group of friends navigating the complexities of life, love, and friendship. Directed by Tolga Örnek, the movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Nejat İşler and Yiğit Özşener, who deliver compelling performances. The narrative intricately weaves personal struggles with broader societal issues, making it a poignant reflection of its time. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its authentic portrayal of human relationships has resonated with many viewers. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2613
Director: Tolga Örnek
Actors: Ahu Türkpençe, Barış Bağcı, Erdal Küçükkömürcü, İdil Fırat, Nejat İşler, Riza Kocaoğlu, Şafak Başkaya, Serra Yılmaz, Şirin Kılavuz, Yiğit Özşener
Country: Turkey
Awards: 1 win & 3 nominations
Worldwide Gross: $2,692,857