Little Paradise Soap2Day
In this 2015 film directed by Natan Moss, a group of quirky characters find themselves entangled in a series of unexpected events at a secluded motel. The ensemble cast delivers engaging performances, bringing humor and depth to the story’s twists and turns. While the film hasn’t garnered any major awards, its unique charm and offbeat narrative make it a hidden gem worth watching. You can view it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 605
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director: Natan Moss
Actors: Ashley Crow, Austin Highsmith, Austin Highsmith Garces, Eric Pumphrey, Flula Borg, Jonathan Terry, Kevin M. Brennan, Luke Edwards, Maverick Thompson, Nick Mundy, Olga Segura
Country: United States of America
Company: Amnesty Pictures
Awards: 1 nomination
Budget: $200,000