Eternity Soap2Day
In this 2013 sci-fi thriller directed by Alex Galvin, a detective is thrust into a mind-bending investigation that blurs the lines between reality and virtual worlds. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a complex conspiracy that challenges his perception of existence. The film features standout performances from its cast and is noted for its innovative use of technology in storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 968
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Alex Galvin
Actors: Alan Brunton, Alex Galvin, April Phillips, Dean Knowsley, Elliot Travers, Liz Kirkman, Luke Hawker, Rachel Clentworth, Renee Sheridan, Simon Vincent
Country: New Zealand
Company: Creative Coast, Eternity Productions, Galvinized Films
Awards: 2 nominations