Cadavres Soap2Day
In this darkly comedic thriller directed by Erik Canuel, the story follows Raymond, a man who returns to his family home after his mother’s death, only to find himself entangled in a series of bizarre and macabre events. The film stars Patrick Huard and Julie LeBreton, whose performances bring depth to the twisted narrative. With its unique blend of humor and horror, the movie offers a gripping experience that can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 775
Director: Erik Canuel
Actors: Christian Bégin, Christopher Heyerdahl, Gilles Renaud, Hugolin Chevrette, Julie Le Breton, Marie Brassard, Marie-Josée Godin, Patrice Robitaille, Patrick Huard, Sylvie Boucher
Country: Canada
Company: 6603301 Canada, Zoofilms
Awards: 2 wins & 3 nominations