Baby Soap2Day
Set in the gritty streets of Los Angeles, this 2007 film directed by Juwan Chung delves into the harsh realities of gang life and the struggle for redemption. The story follows a young man trying to escape the violent cycle that has ensnared his family and friends. Featuring standout performances from David Huynh and Tzi Ma, the film paints a raw and unflinching portrait of urban life. Notably, it won the Special Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1748
Director: Juwan Chung
Actors: Aljarreau Galang, Christina Ahn, Dana Lee, David Huynh, Feodor Chin, Kenneth Choi, Kenzo Lee, Ron Yuan, Shannon Dang, Tzi Ma
Country: United States of America
Company: Affiliated Entertainment
Awards: 2 wins