After Death Soap2Day
In this intriguing 2012 film directed by Martin Gooch, a group of estranged siblings reunites at their family home following the mysterious death of their father. As they delve into the secrets of their past, they uncover unsettling truths that challenge their perceptions of reality and each other. The movie features a compelling performance by Claira Watson Parr and is noted for its atmospheric tension and thought-provoking narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1065
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Martin Gooch
Actors: Ben Shockley, Claira Watson Parr, David Wayman, Emily Booth, Genevieve Berkeley-Steele, Ian Livingstone, Jonathan Hansler, Leslie Phillips, Linal Haft, Nicola Goodchild
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Death Ltd., Gothic Manor
Budget: 2,028,000